Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) Visit to Yayasan Lengis Hijau

Tri Hermawan, Lengis Hijau Manager Process Engineering in serious discussion with Mr. Imam Prayitno biodiesel expert from BPPT

Professor Haruhiro Fujita,Ph. D., really interest on the Lengis Hijau program and achievement

On 15th March 2014, BPPT team accompanied by personnel from Bappeda Bali Province visiting Yayasan Lengis Hijau in Denpasar. This first visit is very interesting for both parties, for knowledge and information transfer. BPPT in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources provide guidance on technical assistance for the program that deals with technology application and renewable energy.

For the similar program to, this time BPPT mentoring waste oil recycling program in Bogor.

Professor Haruhiro Fujita,Ph. D., which is a researcher from Niigata University of International and Information Studies, and also support the recycling program in Bogor said that Yayasan Lengis Hijau can be an ideal pilot program for similar program in Indonesia.

Mr. Imam Paryanto, who is an expert in the field of biodiesel products and technologies  said that BPPT has been developing biodiesel technology since the year 2000. BPPT eager to share knowledge and give technical assistance to similar programs in Indonesia and fully support recycling program that currently run by Yayasan Lengis Hijau.

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